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Colorado POP!

Partner Outreach Program

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What is POP?

OEDIT is committed to serving diverse Colorado businesses and also offers several capital programs that are statutorily mandated to reach a diverse pool of businesses that were negatively impacted by the pandemic and have been historically underserved. To provide wide-spread awareness and use of these resources, OEDIT is dedicated to increasing outreach efforts and helping businesses navigate accessing capital. To achieve this goal, OEDIT assembled a network of partners who have an established history of supporting specific populations defined by their geographic and/or demographic status.


The outreach efforts and technical assistance opportunities are in support of a number of capital programs including: Colorado Startup Loan Fund, CLIMBER, Colorado Credit Reserve, Cash Collateral Support, and the Colorado State Small Business Credit Initiative.

¿Qué es POP? 

La Oficina de Desarrollo Económico y Comercio Internacional de Colorado (OEDIT, por sus

siglas en inglés) se ha comprometido a servir a diversas empresas de Colorado y ofrece varios

programas de capital que son obligatorios por ley para llegar a un grupo diverso de empresas

que se vieron afectadas negativamente por la pandemia y han sido históricamente

desatendidas. Para dar a conocer ampliamente estos recursos, OEDIT tiene un plan de promoción comunitaria en el que contempla dar a conocer las oportunidades de asistencia especializada para que los dueños de negocio puedan acceder a capital. Con este fin, OEDIT en conjunto con una red de socios reconocidos por su trabajo en comunidades, busca maximizar el alcance en poblaciones específicas en función de su situación geográfica y/o demográfica.


La promoción comunitaria y las oportunidades de ayuda técnica sirven de apoyo a una serie de programas de capital, entre los que se incluyen los siguientes: Fondo de Préstamos para

Empresas Emergentes de Colorado, CLIMBER, Reserva de Crédito de Colorado, Apoyo de

Garantía en Efectivo y la Iniciativa de Crédito a las Empresas Pequeñas del Estado de Colorado.

provides loan capital to mission-based lenders

credit enhancement is for businesses that typically struggle to get access to a bank loan

funding for small business credit support and investment programs

working capital loans to Colorado small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

credit enhancement helps small and medium-sized businesses in Colorado access loans

loans for small to medium-sized businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 


Attend office hours with Mike and get answers to all of your questions! (English)  


Tuesdays: 9am - 11am MT


Cell: 719-751-3470

Or click here to schedule a meeting with Rachel! 

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